Your Puppy Culture order history can be retrieved from your ‘My Account’ page.
You MUST log in with the email address that was used for those purchases, as they will be associated to that email address.
If you purchase on multiple accounts/use multiple email addresses, we cannot combine order histories at this time.
Note - Products NOT purchased directly from (including Amazon) will not be shown in your order history.
Follow these steps:
1. Click the “user” icon at the top of the page.
2. If you have previously signed out of your account you will be required to sign in to access your account.
3. My Account page will open.
Click on My Orders from the menu on the left hand-side.
4. Any orders made using your account email address will be listed. You can click “View details” to see the order, the order status, shipping details, tracking, etc.
You can also print a receipt by clicking on the button Print PDF Invoice.
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