You can now view both your Puppy Culture Video On Demand films and Madcap University courses on the Madcap University website.
You can still log in from the Puppy Culture site (see how to do so here) but you can also log in directly from the Madcap University website.
Log into Madcap University with Your Puppy Culture Account

1. Visit, and click the “user” icon at the top of the page.

2. When prompted with sign in options, choose “Login with Puppy Culture”.

3. The Puppy Culture site will open and you must enter your Puppy Culture Username and Password. These must be the same details used to purchase the course or film.

4. Once you are logged into your account, the Madcap University site will re-open with your account page.
You can navigate straight to your purchased Puppy Culture Films by clicking “My Course Library”.
This will take you to your Video Library, hosted by Madcap University.
Watching your Video On Demand titles
Desktop / Laptop
When Madcap University opens, you will see your combined list of Madcap University courses and Puppy Culture VOD films that you have purchased.

5. You can select “Continue to your course” to access each individual film or course.

6. On each course page you will be able to select each section of the film to watch on the left side of your screen.
You can also use the "Previous" and "Next" links at the top of the screen to navigate your film.
Tablet / Phone
On a tablet or phone, selecting your title from the film and course library is the same, but the navigation menu may not be as obvious on smaller devices.

7. To select the next chapter for your chosen film or course, you can click on the previous or next arrows at the top of the screen.

8. Alternatively, if you click on the hamburger menu icon in the top left of the screen, the full course listing will open and you can choose which chapter to move to.
Note - You must sign into your account using the same email address you used to purchase your Madcap University Course or Puppy Culture Video On Demand Films. If your purchased item is missing, please log out and sign in again with the email address used for your purchase.
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