If you have been gifted one of our Video On Demand films or courses, to access your video you must create/own an account with the email address the voucher was sent to, or you will not see your content in your library.
New Users
If this is your first Video On Demand product, it is essential to activate your account first. To do this click ACTIVATE ACCOUNT in the Customer Account Activation email that followed your voucher email.
If you have not received the Customer Account Activation email, please click ACTIVATE ACCOUNT from the original voucher email to have a new one sent to the same address.

1. Click Activate Account from the Customer Account Activation email

2. Add a password to your account and click ‘Activate Account’. On completion, you we be sent a “Welcome email.
Activated Accounts and Existing Users
Once you have an activated account, to access your video follow these steps:

1. Click Activate My Course from the original voucher email.

2. Next, sign into your account using the same email address and your password.

3. Navigate to “My Film Library” located in your account page.

4. You will be directed to the Madcap University Video Library, where your available titles can be found.
If you’re concerned your device may not work, you can make a Puppy Culture account and view your empty Video Library to test your device before you purchase.
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